Any research out there on optimal frequency for continuous, automatic investing?

Curious to know whether for investing in a fund where there's no brokerage, e.g. let's say a vanguard retail fund, is there an "optimal" frequency to invest?

So for example, if you could invest $2000 / month, or $1000 / fortnight or $500 / week, or $100 / business day (mon-fri), do either of those frequencies have a benefit over the others?

Aside from the obvious that there are more weeks than months (52 vs 12) so you'd end up investing more.

I guess i'm hoping someone somewhere has looked at this and, for example, determined that investing on Wednesdays each week is better than on the 15th of each month.

Any thoughts or things worth reading down that road?

I note this is not technically dollar cost averaging (where a specific lump sum is invested over a period of time), but rather continuous, automatic investing.


Submitted January 10, 2018 at 04:19AM by DotMasta

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